Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Weekend Home Alone

So Andy's down in Philly seeing a game with his father, meaning I'm home alone for the first time since we moved in. How have I spent this milestone weekend?

So far, it's a 60-40 success. I got a haircut on Saturday, which lasted an hour and a half due to some very enjoyable catch-up time with Matt. I finished The Iron Heel (though I may have skimmed more of it than is ideal). I washed dishes and tidied the house, went to Trader Joe's, and had the girls over for wine, Nutella crackers and Pineapple Express. (Incidentally, why is it that 80% of department social activities in the past 4 months have been on days when I'm already busy? I've examined the possibility that it's because I "have a life," as the youngster say, but concluded that's not it.)

On the flip side, I stayed up until 1:30 watching Coupling episodes in bed, I ate a box of macaroni and cheese, a large amount of asparagus dip and a regretable number of chocolate covered fruits. I may or may not have sprayed the survivors with Clorox. I slept until 11 this morning, and am currently in pajamas in front of the television. I said, 60-40.

1 comment:

a said...

I found myself looking for the "like" button under this post.