Thursday, October 8, 2009

Always with the other shoe, aren't you Life?

Today was utterly unremarkable and of limited productiveness. Of course.

Although Writing Center training was particularly helpful today, which is almost worth noting. Though it's always non-time-wasting, to be fair. The DVD we watched about multilingual writers was great; it made a lot of points that were new to me and helpful. One of the instructors who spoke on it made the point that as teachers we wouldn't expect a non-native speaker to speak without an accent and wouldn't think less of the points they make verbally for it, but most instructors don't feel the same way about writing.* I don't know exactly how this translates into pedagogical practice on my part, if it does, but I thought it was a good point.

It also had interviews with international students who discussed what conventional academic essay form means in their home cultures. This was fascinating. I hadn't considered before the idea that rhetorical conventions and formal structure differed so widely, but apparently they do. Again, not sure what I'll do with this practically yet, but it was one of those "oh...obviously" moments when you see a thing you had missed before.

Writing center 12-5 tomorrow! It's like it's my real job. Minus three hours.

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