Friday, September 10, 2010

So...maybe I'd like this to be 1/15th of the male population's Bible

Oh Don Draper. Even though you're violently antitype as well as antihero,  I still kind of want to go on a bad date with you.

Though I mean, any fool could do it, right?

Also, as stated on Facebook, steps one and two - and hell, maybe also three and four - apply equally well to performing in grad seminars.


In other news - not to jinx things, but I'm feeling shockingly stable and decisive about both my personal and professional life. Which is remarkable considering it's been years since both were at such stages of upheaval. True, this is largely because I had no professional like until I came to UW and therefore have never before articulated a connection between them in this fashion, but still. Let me bask in my moment. Lord knows all I'll have to bask in for the next 9 months is Brad's loving displeasure about my inevitable failings as an employee and the warmth of knowing that I put myself a year behind to join a field I'm slightly better at but understand vaguely if at all.

...this post just became the definition of taking what you can get. But even so - I got unmistakeably angry up in someone's grill this week. In BeccaLand, that's a gold star no matter how you cut it.

Plus, Adam comes tomorrow. So even if I could hardly call it the best week ever, it's had a lot going for it.

...and despite some guilt about not working much for school yesterday or today, I find I feel something very close to happiness. For reasons I created myself. Plus the realization I have some sweet friends.

It's a wonderful life, girl. You might even end up a Capra film with the last scene intact.*


*Incalculable Becca points if you know the reference and are not also Jamie Anderson.

1 comment:

Bix said...