Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mi Casa Esta Sucio!

Mneumonic devices I used to learn Spanish vocabulary today:

- poder: sounds like POTUS, the president is a capable dude who [helps] make laws-->to do/to make
- miedo: it's a small cute-sounding word, cute little girls scare easily-->fear
- pedir: sounds like peddlers, peddlers are always asking for your money-->to ask
- escoger: sounds kinda like escargot, which I would never choose to eat-->to choose
- quejarse: it's jarring when people complain a lot-->to complain
- firmer: a firm deal needs a signature-->to sign
- poner: when you pwon someone you put then in their place-->to put
- traer: traders bring goods from here to there-->to bring
- bastante: when you call someone a bastard it means you've had enough-->enough
- fracasar: when diplomacy fails there's gonna be a fracas-->to fail
- alegrar(se): sounds like allegro, which is a word I like, liking stuff makes me happy-->to make happy (this one was a stretch, clearly)
- demorar: I find delays demoralizing-->to delay
- coger: [dirty] old codgers are always trying to grab at you-->to grab, to catch
- debajo de: to be debased is to be lowered-->below/beneath
- encima de: exema is on top of my skin-->on top of
- junta de: ...junta is the NEXT TO worst form of government? I got nothing-->next to
- cambiar: I hate that they changed the blagues tordant on Carembars-->to change
- tal: something that's a TALl order is probably going to be SUCH a pain-->such, such a
- suelen: Americans often sue people-->often
- despues: Despite knowing it's wrong, I always procrastinate, procrastinating is putting off til later-->later
- pelear(se): P-Lazer had lazer guns, guns are for fighting-->to fight

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Frozen Spiderweb Leggies

Learnin' how to embed stuff. And spending way too much time on my professional development project. Sigh.