Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My kingdom for a thesis

You know you're fucked when you have more than 15 pages of notes for a paper and still don't have a clue how to formulate a good thesis.

Oh, hey. Yes, it's been forever. Not having internet in my apartment has that effect. Summer's going well; though I haven't had as many adventures as last summer, it's been very relaxing. I'm trying to enjoy this last bit too, not feel like it's the end too soon. After all, it's more than a month before I go back to class or start teaching, so I've got time. Time to see my sister, bike around, go to Florida, be trained in the fine art of being a Lit TA, etc.

And move. Can't forget moving. Though at times I wish I could.

But more to the EBB paper. Not going well. Granted, today is my first serious day of working on it (if three hours of rereading notes and articles while catching up with friends can be called "serious"), but...ugh. I'm reminded why I took an Incomplete in the first place. Which, by the way, I will NEVER do again. Hideous. I'm determined to finish it before summer ends though, even if that means going with a central idea that's not very good. Which it seems likely will happen. Sigh.

Still, it's kind of nice to be working, however halfheartedly, on something academic again. Somehow I still have the ability to be excited by the beginning of the year, and I can't wait to put this shriveled husk of a nightmare paper behind me and work on something fresh.

Well, "can't wait" might be a bit of a stretch, but as with last summer, I'm ready to go back to being a grad student.

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