Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's the most [expletive] time of the year

...well, not really. But kinda.

It's always an odd juxtaposition, Christmas and end-of-semester. I spent most of today reading about propaganda and children's literature while listening to the "Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown" soundtrack. It actually wasn't a bad day - I'm at the point where working on papers is less stressful than not working on them, and I like my topics well enough to make research tolerable. I'm feeling more in control of the whole "papers" situation, and while I'm by no means close to where I should be in terms of completing stuff on time, I am confident I can finish in something resembling a timely fashion.

I'm making more of an effort to be in the Christmas spirit this year. The last few years I felt like I missed the season almost entirely, which sucked. So this year I want to decorate more - I put up lights last night - listen to more holiday music, maybe go to a concert, watch some classic specials...when will I do all this, you ask? Well, since all my papers (theoretically, in the magical ideal dream world my professors apparently inhabit) have to be in by the 13th (and hopefully *will* be in by the 15th or 16th) I have three or four days in town with only some grading to do, in which I can hopefully get in a little Christmas cheer. We'll see.

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