Saturday, June 26, 2010

Convince Yourself That Everything is Alright

'cause it already is.

It doesn't quite belong on the All-Timers list, but "For Nancy" is a pretty epic song in my personal music history. Suggested by Jefferson, began my still-strong love affair with Pete Yorn, explained a song reference I'd wondered about for ages, led me to "Undercover," which was a major track on my Limoges soundtrack.

Plus, talk about words I should live by.


 Cape party was fun. Less crazy than I'd expected, but still really fun. There was running around shirtless in the rain (not on my part, but on others'), a host on stilts, beer margaritas (which, honestly, tasted like normal margaritas to me - which is fine in my book), and people I hadn't seen in awhile and was happy to catch up with. Also, after talking to Paul and Andrew about their experiences at Burning Man and shooting Jamie a text, I think there's a chance that the vow we made sophomore year to go together someday might actually be carried out next year. After all, she's finally moving back, back within a single day's drive of me. We *have* to do something epic to celebrate her first year back.

Been reading old LJ entries. Makes me feel nostalgic, yes, but also good. While many of the entries do highlight just how painfully naive I was about the world, they also remind me that despite losing some of that naivite and growing up, I have not become a different person. I'm the same Becca I was then - I write journal entries more or less the same way, I react to things in fundamentally the same way, the same kinds of things make me happy now that made me happy then. I'm just older now - and better at a lot of things as a result.

Go summer. Still gotta find something to drive my daytime hours, but really...I'm getting a lot of what I needed most anyhow.  Gotta stop staying up until 3:30 writing and having dance parties in front of my mirror though. It doesn't help with the whole "getting up at a reasonable time and doing stuff" thing.

1 comment:

-B- said... I am *always* the same in some ways. This is so reassuring.