Saturday, July 17, 2010

I Solemnly Swear I am Totally Awesome

From GChat:

Jamie:  you, madam, really know how to take an idea and run with it

...four years later, and I've still got it. Miss those guys so much. 
Also, on a totally unrelated note: One of my major, major pet peeves is when TV or movies show people enhancing images in a way that's COMPLETELY unrealistic. The best example I can think of off the top of my head is in FlashForward, where the FBI image tech enhances a frame of a man in a baseball stadium taken by a stadium security camera from the other side of the field enough to see the ring on his finger. I mean what the fuck. Even my 4-year-old cousin knows how megapixels work. Come on. 

However, I just watched The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and was pleasantly surprised to see the main character coax hitherto unnoticed detail from an old photograph in a more or less realistic way. I think he even uses iPhoto (apparently the Swedes love Apple stuff, btw). I knew the scene was coming and was all primed to call bullshit (or "shenanigans" as my new blog obsession would say), but it actually looked like something one could recreate in real life.

The whole movie was like that, actually - eerily real-looking. The actors are handsome/pretty when appropriate. People have pockmarks, wrinkles, signs of aging - even the "sexy" female characters. And on and on. Given the nature of the film, this lends everything a suuuuper creepy sense of possibility. Hollywood take note.

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