I got both my tax returns and my paycheck last week, and checking my account for the first time since - wow. I have not had that much money in my checking account that wasn't immediately needed elsewhere in a long time. I know the feeling of wealth and security is *completely* illusory as this money has to last me through the summer and part of September to boot, but still. Let me bask for a second.
Knowing this moment was coming, I decide a week or two back that I was going to capitalize on the feeling of having "means" by doing all the things that I've been putting off stupidly for ages now because they cost money and I rarely have any I'm willing to part with for things that aren't monthly bills, food/booze, or enjoyment. So once I get this whole "end of semester" nonsense behind me, here's a selection of the exciting things I'll be using this faux-windfall for:
- taking both my cats to the vet for checkups (neither has had one since before I got them and as I would probably cry so much I'd look like the guy from Indy 3 who drinks from the wrong cup if anything happened to them that I could have prevented by providing regular and responsible vet care, this seems like a Thing Worth Doing) (also I'm pretty sure Penny's had a cold since November at this point)
- stocking my medicine cabinet - I'm down to my last palmful of Ibuprofen and that's about it. And I can't tell you how depressing it is that I'm excited about doing this.
- getting new running shoes so my knees last another few years
- getting a single pair of cute multifunction summer shoes because I have not bought such a thing in 2+ years now and the gladiator-style sandals I bought then now look like they might have belonged to an actual gladiator.
- changing the oil in my car (and possibly getting it a tune-up as well, but since I am 100% sure they'll then tell me they need more money to fix things, I'm not sure I have the guts)
- paying an overdue UW parking ticket for which my registration was revoked by the state more than 6 weeks ago
- paying UW-Plattsville for a copy of Multiliteracies for a Digital Age that I have never been able to track down and which I've been getting increasingly menacing letters about for months now
- filling my gas tank to the BRIM (if only so you all can benefit when prices inevitably drop the next day)
- getting an eye exam and buying new contacts. So I can seeeeeeeee.
...wow. How lame a list is that. But hey - at least then I can start the summer fresh, with (nearly) all my affairs in order.
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