Thursday, January 31, 2008

Brief 2

1) Lost was awesome. And way too short. Like, over in the blink of an eye.

2) I've been tricked into liking a Fergie song. I dug "Fegilicious" if only for its absurdity, but after "Big Girls Don't Cry," aka the song I hated most in 2007, I had sworn to dislike her forever. But through the magic of prouction, "Clumsy" sounds NOTHING like her, and so I was fooled into digging a bit on the song (only a bit), and now I am MAD.

3) I miss Con.

4) I can't have anymore days like this.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Brief Update

1) It's freezing.

2) I fail at being a good, perhaps even tolerable, grad student.

3) LOST PREMIERE TOMORROW. 24 hours from now it will be half over. And I'm sure my mind will already have been blown repeatedly. 

4) I miss Con.

5) There was a fire drill in HCW this morning. Wind chill outside was -20. I would have died a little inside except I was kept warm by fiery indignation and Bagel Hour coffee.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Those Teenage Hopes

Google is a dangerous thing. Especially when you're armed with several facts and poor judgement. I envy my mother's generation, when rivals remained just first names no matter how much, in moments of weakness, you might wish it otherwise.

On the plus side - I'm definitely in love. 100%. And it's awesome.

Shakespeare today was...noteworthy. Yes. Although I do love Heather already. I know I will never reach that perfect mix of adorableness and intellectual brilliance, but it's a nice model to experience.

Tomorrow is Tuesday. I need to find my act and pull it together.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Yes, I am Behind the Curve

But this video is hilarious.

Today was a good day. I went to the gym, I read lots of articles (ie four), I ran errands and I spent an hour coloring. Yes, coloring. I am 6 years old. I blame my sister...she got me into it this summer and today I just had this overwhelming urge to color. All they had at Target was lame coloring books for 6-year-olds, but I mean, this is understandable. If the urge continues, I'll invest in something nicer.

...I'm losing my grip. Anyhow, life is good. I'm easing into school a bit too slowly, but I have great classes, I am so happy to be back with my friends and every time I think about Con I glow. Almost literally. So things aren't really so bad.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Goddesses of Incredibleness

Tina Fey...amazing. I've known this for years, but somehow, tonight, I am utterly in awe. She's funny, intelligent, and super-hot. I aspire to be *one* of these things. She's a marvel, and if some sort of deity or scientist approached me and offered me the chance to switch lives with anyone, I would choose her. Sorry, Tina, for getting stuck with my mediocre grad school existence. At least I have a car and a hot boyfriend.

Also...oh my god, I miss Paris. I miss it more than pretty much anything. Like, to the point where I wonder what the price difference is between my current car and a functional piece of shit, and also how much I could get for my pearls. 

In other news, tonight was very fun, "As You Like It" is a good play, and I don't read nearly enough to feel like a good grad student.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I can't believe Heath Ledger is dead. 

I have no claim to actual pain at his death, since all I ever did was watch a few of his movies, fantasize after him in Ten Things, and gobble up stills of him as the Joker. But, weirdly, I actually feel something at the news of his death. Which surprised me. He's essentially a stranger, after all. But...maybe it's because the Dark Knight is so close to my heart, but I actually felt something when I found out. And the surprise at that feeling just amplifies it.

Rest in Peace, Heath. I hope what they needed from you in post-production wasn't enough to compromise the film. And I hope you were man enough to leave a note for your daughter.

Madison All Over Again

I'm back! Today is the first day of the semester, and while I don't have class, I'm trying to get a strong start so I'm holed up in Memorial reading articles for this week's classes. Soon a gym trip will follow, then more reading, then digging my car out of the snow to run errands, then a bedtime of 11:30. 

School is back in session.

I had a phenomenal break, although I won't write about it in detail now...suffice to say I spent some incredible time with my family. It was the first vacation where Kitten and I were really bestest friends, and we talked until late in the night, visited Julio, watched Duck Tales and generally had a blast. I won 120 bucks at a casino while visiting my aunt, and I spent New Year's Eve in DC with Justin and his crew from home, which was loud and busy and drunken and fun.

I spent New Year's Day with Con. Phenomenal. And exciting. And I'm smiling just thinking about it.

Alright, back to my article. While I was feeling really unready to reenter academia after the month out of it, I'm finding that, while I don't *love* reading these things, I am still interested, and the passion I was feeling last term is still there, lurking under the surface, and I know it will be back soon.

It's going to be quite the semester.