Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Those Teenage Hopes

Google is a dangerous thing. Especially when you're armed with several facts and poor judgement. I envy my mother's generation, when rivals remained just first names no matter how much, in moments of weakness, you might wish it otherwise.

On the plus side - I'm definitely in love. 100%. And it's awesome.

Shakespeare today was...noteworthy. Yes. Although I do love Heather already. I know I will never reach that perfect mix of adorableness and intellectual brilliance, but it's a nice model to experience.

Tomorrow is Tuesday. I need to find my act and pull it together.

1 comment:

Billie J. Pilgrim said...

We should powwow about Shakespeare sometime. I want to know what was noteworthy. And if it was the same stuff I'm thinking of.

Tuesday. Yeah. What you said.