Saturday, October 24, 2009

Change of Opinion

This is relevant in no way I can think of to anything, but it's interesting to me, so ha. The benefits of running one's blog like a dictatorship never end! Though I prefer to think of it as a non-parliamentary monarchy.

Anyhow. I'm sitting here eating Ramen noodles, drinking a beer and watching Coupling - standard Saturday night when Andy is out. Coupling, for those not in the know, is like British Friends, except with lower production values and slightly more explicit jokes. It's one of my favorite shows, and I've been savoring the remaining few I've never seen.

...actually, the rest of this post was going to be too inane for words, so we'll drop it.

In lieu of that - description of my cats battling. Polo's been hanging out inside a paper bag we leave out for the purpose lately, and right now he and Penny are having it out over rights to said bag - she'll run into it and stare out at him, then run at him suddenly, they'll slap hissily at each other, and then it repeats - only with a lot of seemingly purposeless dashing about. Sometimes it looks boring to be one of my cats, but tonight it looks friggin' sweet. I want to engage in bi-weekly Battle Royales for supremacy over my domain! And I'd also like to do it with a clawless opponent so I always win. Though his enormous size advantage evens it out some.

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