Monday, December 17, 2007

Not enough Synonyms!

Words I used too much in my 824 paper: mask, masquerade, disguise, retreat, reveal

Words I used too much in my 727 paper: atrocity, trauma, horror, reveal

Words I used to much in my 700 paper: TA, course, class, program, demonstrate, frustration

Words I am using too much in my 723 paper: children, colonial, relationship, tension, reveal.



mimo-chan said...

well, i can't even find words, let alone synonyms. despite the fact that it should exist, the non-word "exoticization" (or perhaps "exotification") does not even have a suitable counterpart in the dictionary. at least not one that i can find.

and how many times can i say "objectify" and "primitive" and "exploitation" in the same paper? oh jeez.

-B- said...

I feel like you could use "exoticize" in such a way as to get around the lack of noun form. And I mean, *that's* not a word either, but academic discourse uses all sorts of non-words..."essentialization" made appearances in more than one article I used for 723.

Billie J. Pilgrim said...

It seems you're doing far too much "revealing" in your papers. If I've learned anything this semester, it's that literary analysis is all about confounding, occluding, and concealing. You've gone and done it all wrong.