Monday, December 10, 2007

Two Down!

Granted, there are still two to go, but I feel like the worst is over. Comp will be like, 12 pages tops, and I have a good start on theory already. I am in good shape. 


I saw Golden Compass last night with Alex (since Renee and Marissa couldn't make it at the last minute, sad) and was ultimately disappointed. I'm constantly annoyed by the way adults assume kids can only be interested in meticulously straightforward and painfully obvious plots. The 2 minutes of out-and-out voiceover exposition at the beginning were incredibly painful.

Still, I enjoyed it, if only for the art direction. All the choices they made were note perfect; even the things that looked different from what I see in my head, like Lee Scorsby, looked wonderful and totally fitting. Nicole was stunning, as was Eva Green, and I can see Daniel Craig being good if/when he gets more to do. And the scenes in, so cool. Since I was there so recently it was weird to see the camera panning down streets I was on mere weeks ago; it must be even weirder for J&T. And the way they tweaked the buildings just a tad was awesome.

So...yes. Next movie choice? Not sure...hopefully something before then, but it might be Sweeny Todd. That shit is going to be badass.

1 comment:

mimo-chan said...

more like totally fucking badass.