Thursday, April 17, 2008

Finally...I feel it kicking in

One of my most memorable moments from the end of last semester is watching a Flight of the Conchords episode to wind down one night and having to pause the episode at one point to mull over the postcolonial implications of a particular scene. I'm fairly sure I blogged about it at the time. It made me feel like a huge stupid nerd, but it was still kind of a cool feeling, and very indicative of how incredibly wrapped up I was in the fury of the final weeks.


I'm watching Top Chef over dinner as a break from Sister Carrie and her terrifyingly-close-to-home vapidity, and my thoughts keep drifting over to the Hayden White article we discussed in class this week, and the way in which narrative is not something natural, and how weird it must be for these people to have their lives forced into a narrative arc, and on and on.

People, the end is nigh. 

1 comment:

mimo-chan said...

if i felt in any way akin to carrie i don't think i would admit to it (not to mention that vapidity is hardly her most memorable characteristic).