Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's about *exchange*, not *price.* Ahhhh.

Major progress on Shakespeare today. The end is nigh, I think. I might not even have to learn space theory. If I press on I can finish it today, and while it's by no means great, it will be done enough that I can check it off my mental list, with maybe a few hours devoted to it at the end for fixes. Oh, and to make it a conference paper. Because if there's one thing I want to do with my mediocre work, it's slap together a shortened version of it and read it aloud to my peers.

Con told me he was proud of me today. It made me happy. 

Today is going well. I'm going to press on for hopefully another three hours or so, but I'm happy with myself. With this paper under control, I can see the-I-Word-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named receeding over the horizon. Next in my line of sight is my Sister Carrie paper, which I had a meeting about today that went well. 

23 days between me and the summer. I'm actually incredibly excited about having a job, working...having money coming in and not just streaming out. You know how when you were little your inner tube would get a little hole, but you couldn't see it, and no matter what you patched the air would keep streaming out leaving your ass practically all the way in the water and you looking like an idiot? My bank account is like that inner tube. I can't wait to get another job and start the one I have lined up.

I got a mild sunburn yesterday reading on the Terrace. I know, I know, melanoma cancer death wrinkle blah blah blah, but it made me incredibly happy. It is warm enough outside to BURN me. After this winter, that's something to celebrate.

1 comment:

mimo-chan said...

i love the suuuuuuuuun. :)